Rewiring Workplaces: Unlocking Neurodiversity in Teams – recording

In this webinar, Lori and her guest Nathan Whitbread discussed neurodiversity in teams.
As organisations become more neuro-inclusive, they will leverage special skills and improve their ability to retain talent.
About Nathan Whitbread
Nathan Whitbread is a coach and speaker specialising in helping make the neuro-inclusive workplace a reality.
Father of four, runner, skipper and diagnosed dyslexic at 35. Nathan started coaching in 2015 to enable neurodivergent individuals and teams be more effective, happy and engaged at work to reach their goals and be more effective.
Nathan talks about how to amplify strengths and manage difficulties effectively.
Recordings of past webinars and links to upcoming webinars are here.
Rewired to Relate

To learn more fundamentals about the brain and how it drives our behaviour, check out Rewired to Relate. You will learn how the brain influences you and how you can best take care of it so you can work well with others.
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