Influence or manipulation?
Influencing others is an important skill when managing stakeholders in the workplace. Many dislike learning or using this skill because it feels manipulative. And it can be – but it’s all a matter of perspective.
Influencing others is an important skill when managing stakeholders in the workplace. Many dislike learning or using this skill because it feels manipulative. And it can be – but it’s all a matter of perspective.
Cold-water swimming seems to be all the rage – but does it really deserve all that hype?
Giving feedback when the recipient isn’t ready to hear can backfire. If you really want your feedback to land, you need to take some responsibility for the receiver’s state of mind.
Taking time off to rest and rejuvenate is essential for the health of your body, brain and nervous system. This post will give you plenty of ideas for how you can rejuvenate yourself.
Every time we repeat or revisit an event, it’s as if we re-experience it all over again: the emotional brain reacts anew to the re-imagined situation, sending out signals and chemicals which create stress in the body. Every time.
Visualisations can work, and they are in fact used by star athletes and performers – not to skip over the hard work of getting to a goal, but to increase motivation and to refine the skillset needed to work towards the goal.
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