Change your perspective; change your life
When you change how you regard yourself, you change how you interact in the world and that means you can change your impact on others. It’s your choice.
When you change how you regard yourself, you change how you interact in the world and that means you can change your impact on others. It’s your choice.
Supporting others in a learning journey requires a special set of skills. Here are a few lessons for people who want to be great trainers or teachers.
We may anticipate events in one way but when they happen, our experience may be completely different from what we expected.
It’s easy to feel boxed in when trying too hard to “do the right thing”. When coaches engage in their own personal development work, they enhance their ability to take clients on deep journeys of discovery.
The Adversity Quotient (AQ), coined by Paul Stolz in 1997, measures ones’ mindsets about adversity, being resilient in many areas of life, and staying power.
This post briefly discusses the four aspects of AQ and how they might be helpful in life.
Accepting failure can be hard, but even more difficult is allowing yourself to get into a situation where you knew that success was unlikely – then you must admit to yourself that you didn’t set boundaries, didn’t follow your values and probably didn’t listen to your intuition.
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