Being a jerk does not get you ahead
Two people are considered for a promotion. One is generous, trustworthy and generally nice. The other is selfish, deceitful and aggressive. Which one is more likely to get the job?
A new study reviewed in Science Daily tells us that these two are equally likely to be selected; being “disagreeable” does not guarantee progress.
In decades past, there seemed to be more belief that “nice guys/gals finished last”. But that is not a universal truth.
Given what we know about the brain, it seems there are two sides to humanity. There is the older part of the brain that has us act more like our ape cousins, where brawn and might are highly regarded. Some people prefer that way of establishing a hierarchy and leadership.
On the other hand, the more evolved part of the brain guides us to be collaborative and to override our animal nature in a uniquely human way. This part helps us to succeed while being generous and nice.
Both are systemic patterns: social systems and cultures seem to ascribe to one form or another.
You get to decide. What type of culture do you want in your workplace?
We can help you learn to be collaborative and achieve results. Our Rewired to Lead programme can help you create a great place to work, where generosity, trust and positivity can motivate people and results to thrive.
Accountability worksHope springs eternal; Disappointment hurts